Happy May Day to all of you.
Several new things to bring to you today.
Noah LOVES graham crackers right now. He cannot get enough of them.
Noah's feeling 100% better from this time last week, and has been over his fever for several days completely. He's still taking his antibiotic, and I'm still concerned it will really wipe out the infections. I need to schedule that appointment.
Noah has *started* potty training. I just want to record this moment in time, because SO FAR it's very cute and so very funny. I know that will likely soon change to be excruciatingly frustrating and "the death of me", so that's why I want to share how I'm feeling now before I forget. I have decided to make an attempt at what some might see as a different approach to potty training--letting Noah run diaperless during the day--hey, we're still in the apartment and have ALREADY run havok on this carpet in 4 months!--and also encouraging him to use the regular ol' big toilet to learn on. I read from several sources lately that this can help by not teaching MORE habits you'll eventually have to break them from as well...we're still fighting to get the paci away from him permanently, so I'm all about skipping the middle steps if possible. Matt bought him a little plastic potty when N had just barely turned one (wishful thinking! He had heard somewhere online lately that you could potty train a very young baby, and I nearly laughed out loud when he brought that thing home.) So we have it when we want it. I think I'm going to let him sit on it in front of the t.v. during his morning cartoon, until we can get a little bit of bodily function control under way---but my goal is to not rely on it completely. I want him to learn to be comfortable with the big one. He's big enough and strong enough to hold himself up, it's just a matter of being patient and staying there long enough! If Matt would let me, I'd post a pic of Noah hanging on to the big toilet, huge cheesy smile, but I know he would not approve. So maybe I'll work on that one. ANYway, Noah is really excited so far about the TRYING to go to the bathroom on the toilet. He climbs up and gets all set and then makes the FUNNIEST noises and faces, and then says, "Done!" And runs to the freezer to get his "pop" (half an icee pop--his reward for successful pottying.) Um, not quite, kid. Good effort tho. Maybe I need to get a smaller reward system for his whole-hearted attempts, but the popcicles seem to be a huge incentive. He's had 3 amazingly coincidental peeing episodes in the toilet, very small of course, but still...I'm going to say it's a start. Because you have to start somewhere, right? UPDATE: While I was preparing this for final posting, (working on the bottom) We had a REAL potty experience! Beginning to end! (Well, minus the first little tinkle that happened on my foot while Noah was telling me he needed to pee--I love motherhood;-) Here's the proof!Well, the afterproof.
Next news....last night after volleyball, I looked down at my hand while taking a shower and realized one of my side diamonds from my wedding ring is missing. (insert terrible swear word here). I'm soooo frustrated. Must have happened at the gym. I don't remember any particular time, but I know it was within the last few hours. I guess the insurance money we have saved by not paying for insurance on it the last 6 years will pay for it. Cause we're just rolling in savings right now!
Matt is at District Assembly again today. Yesterday, we ran into some old friends who ALSO met at Golden Bell the first summer when we did, which was almost 11 years ago! They look exactly, exactly the same. They live in San Antonio. Carrie, can you guess who? So now we "knew" 3 couples who live here in TX, before we moved here.
And finally...
Only the faithful find this one out!
We have all but received our copy of the accepted bid/contract for a house--yes, a NEW house I have not mentioned yet. The one we saw on Monday and Tues. and have been working on this week. We are somewhat anxious to get paperwork into our hands, but we have the oral word from our realtor that the sellers have accepted our offer and the contract has been ammended with the new agreed-on price and we should be going in to put our earnest money down today or tomorrow. What a perfect birthday present for me! I want the paperwork completed completely--and in a box, with a big bow on it, though. Matt and I will head out tomorrow night to go to dinner and see a movie of my choice, and I hope we can officially celebrate together. It has been a long process and I am sooo ready for a final word on it.
I'm so proud of the mother you've become. Quite an awesome undertaking! Brings back lots of memories. Happy birthday and happy Mother's Day. Mom
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the house Yeahhhhhhhh Noah!!!!!!!! Yeah Melanie-I think that sounds like a cool way to do potty training! Sorry about the diamonds! That stinks! I love you!
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