March 07, 2006

Dog days of summer

Look at that mug--I'm in love! I have been able to get out of school rather early each day this week, and with our beautiful Florida weather, I have had no choice but to come home and let the dogs play outside in the yard for an hour or so before dinner. It is so much fun just to eat a bowl of icecream on our porchswing and watch the dogs play as the sun sets slowly. Jackson and Peyton are so cute together, they love chasing each other around and fighting over squeaky toys. Every so often Peyton gets extra feisty and tackles Jackson into the dirt. Today I found out that Jackson likes to eat dirt--yes, actually eat it, he had it all over his tongue. The best part of it all is having a husband who comes home, notices how dirty the dogs are (for some reason), and gives them both a bath. Life is good. mjh Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Carrie said...

You got him trained yet?