March 06, 2006

King of the House

If this isn't the cutest puppy you've ever seen...

Introducing Jackson, the latest and bravest of the Hawkins' household. Don't let that sweet face fool you- this dog is simply fearless, attacking any and all person, animal, pototo or plastic waterbottle that may get in his way. Matt and I are thoroughly scratched up from his enormous paws. We've had him for 5 weeks now, and in that time, he's literally doubled his weight and size, tipping the scales at around 22 lbs. And he's only 12 weeks. Our vet figures that full grown, this puts him roughly at....75-80 lbs. Yikes! We're hoping his weight tapers off soon.
I have to be honest and say that Matt and I HAVE wondered a few times --each day--what in the world did we get ourselves into?!? We adopted Peyton when she was 5, so we've never really experienced puppyhood before. Besides, this makes 3 animals living under the same roof (--we have no fenced yard! ) Jackson really has been loads of entertainment though. The dogs seem to be doing rather well--Jack takes on Peyton all the time, and they have become quite the pals...well, let's just say Peyton puts up with him most of the time. But the puppy wants to play ALL the time... He sees the cat as a live toy to chase. A day or two ago, on his way to go potty, Jack accidentally tackled Moseley (the cat), pinning him to the ground for a brief moment before he realized what he was doing. Then the next min. he went on his way. Now Moseley is a good 15-17 lbs. himself, but I've NEVER seen my cat look so terrified in his life. More stories to come, for sure.
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