3 new teeth coming in!
Mama and Daddy on the hayride with Noah
Here's a recap of our busy but wonderful Thanksgiving weekend at the Hawkins.
Tuesday: 3:00 p.m.--expected departure time...5:20 p.m--actual departure from home...stop for food at 7:30 p.m. Stop for baby puking, 8:10...back on the road at 8:30....many verses of Old MacDonald later...arrive in N. Augusta, 2 something a.m.
Wednesday: a little sleepin in, lunch with Sherrie/mom and Leah, play time with Grandma Salter/golf, and relaxed evening at home. A. Jess and U. Jon arrive after midnight.
Thursday: family breakfast, coaxing Noah to walk (no such luck), GBay football, 4:30 turkey dinner, boys movie night/girls t.v. movie night.
Friday: 3:30 a.m. wakeup call, 4:30 arrival at Staples, Kohl's, Panera's, Target...4 women, 1 single purchase. How does that happen?!? Return back home at 8:30ish a.m...boys golf, more Noah time, Christmas Tree Farm (see above photots!), and Hawkins Family Fun Night. woooh.
Saturday: First ever Hawkins family Paintball Competition, Turkey Bowl Football (hawkins vs. teen boys) and good ol' Zaxby's chicken fingers. Departure time: 4:30 p.m...stop for Noah's dinner, 7:30...stop for more baby puking, 8:00...break time for mom and dad, back on the road at 9:00p.m....arrive home, 12:35 a.m. Sunday.
So after this weekend of fun we have decided that our adorable little man is 1) soooo close to taking some serious steppage, 2)soooo cute in his new little moose hat, 3)possible car sick? from watching videos in the car after eating?!? NOT the best hours we've spent together. Poor little thing. But we made it.
We really did have a great time seeing everyone, just makes us miss them so much more when we have to leave. It seems as if we looked forward to this holiday to get away and be with family sooo much, and then it went by sooo fast. So now we're on the other end of it, feeling a tad bit disappointed that it's already over.