April 16, 2006

Happy Easter, ya'll

Happy Easter, everyone! Here's a cute photo of Matt and I from Easter morning--they set up a little photo spot in the breakfast room at church. I guess so everyone could take family pictures in their Sunday best. I'm not sure if I agree with the emphasis on showing off your new clothes, but anyways...the church folk seemed to love it! (Look at my handsome husband and his fuzzy little beard. He always lets his face grow grizzly for the Easter play, and I love it!)

And speaking of family, here is my kitty cat, Moseley, (4 yrs.) who until now has been terribly neglected in this blog. Yes, we still have him. I don't think this shot shows him in all of his fat-self glory, but it was already on the camera. Moseley is still adjusting to having the little pup around. He loves to sit up high where the dogs can't reach him, and whenever Jackson bothers him, he bops him on the head with his paw 4 or 5 times, real fast. It keeps me entertained.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

What a beautiful couple. . .I'm sure it probably runs in the family.